Monday, 13 January 2014

Pottermore News&Speculations: Celebration of Harry Potter in Orlando Resort and Pottermore

I believe you have heard of this recent news from Pottermore Insider:

For those of you who may have heard already, we can confirm that a few people from the Pottermore team are absolutely thrilled to be venturing from the London-based office over to Florida, to take part in A Celebration of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort.

Our very own Creative Director will be on hand to give a behind-the-scenes look at how Moments are made, from the first pencil stroke through to the final splash of colour. If you’ve ever wondered how you might make the sound effect for a spider crawling down its web, he’ll be talking about that too! And, he’ll be revealing beautiful new artwork from the final instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Perhaps most exciting of all, we will be sharing an upcoming exclusive audio clip from J.K. Rowling, in which she gives a mischievous backstory to one of her most colourful Harry Potter characters.  Who do you think it could be?

Throughout the weekend of the Celebration, the Pottermore booth at the Harry Potter Expo will be open for fans to visit.  They will be greeted by the largest print ever made of an iconic Pottermore Moment, measuring 14 meters high and 20 meters wide!   At the booth Harry Potter fans will be able to experience for themselves and also watch an artist illustrate upcoming creatures from the fifth book - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  The Harry Potter eBook and digital audio book collections will also be available to read or listen to courtesy of the Pottermore Shop. 

It does sound fishy, doesn't? could be there a chance that will come this week or the next, right before or after the Celebration of Harry Potter, with behind the scenes of how the moments are made and also reveal an artwork of the final instalment of Goblet of Fire, we're  getting finally the 2nd instalment?
it's probably before, because it sounds stupid an artwork of the final instalment when the 2nd hasn't come out yet...
also this" upcoming audio clip" kinda proves it can be after this celebration, the 2nd instalment, not sure, it's very fishy, it can be from the last instalment, if they are almost done with the Goblet of Fire, by the sound of it, and seems starting with the concept arts for the Order of the Phoenix.
Nice way to tease us...and also seems recent teaser from Pottermore with the new cover on Facebook...

that green quill looks way too familiar, Rita Skeeter's quick notes quill... it can be confirmed it will be divided in 3 parts..., the next 2 instalments will be around 13 chapters, that's plenty, it doesn't usually go by this amount, which is pretty good, makes perfect sense, since the books get thicker from here on... so I'm not sure, I think it's quite possible the 2nd instalment coming before the celebration. Also these creatures illustrations for the Order of Phoenix in the Pottermore Team artists booth, I hope one of them to be Thestrals, I found them fascinating creatures and really cool (Please, I seriously hope for Exclusive info for them, it would be so cool, in Order of the Phoenix, which the chances are pretty High). Now this mischievous character backstory audioclip, I think I do know already :D...Rita Skeeter!

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