Friday, 12 April 2013

Webcomics: Wormworld Saga Chapter 5 released Now!! start of chapter 5 of Plume!

Hooray, it was worth the wait, it was longer than usual, but chapter 5 is the longest one of the chapters...
I love how the story is progressing so far and the fantastic world of wormworld and the character development of the hero of the story, Jonas.

if you haven't read,you should so check it out, sure is only 5 chapters, but there is very good reasons, this Digital Graphic Novel it's like reading a comic in form of a painting, digital painting with the artist (Daniel Lieske) own style.
there is some cool stuff, the "special edition" you buy to read the special content inside of an app (to read in tablet from google play and ipad, you can read for free, but special edition you buy).

you can follow the artist blog, Daniel Lieke:

a small look on the art:

I can quite relate with Jonas in many ways, such his imagination and how he used (that's how I was in my childhood), the pressure of expectations and requirements of the world on you to survive and with this character has the chance of what we have a wish we always wanted inside this story to escape from it.

as for Plume, all the same, chapter 5 released ;) and starts with an interesting perspective, villain perspective...Dominic :p, nice nice, we finally get to see when isn't using his hat.

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