Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Webcomics: Plume and Paranatural

woah, sorry for not posting too long, some unexpected page releases came out from Paranatural...the usual friday release and unexpected release yesterday o.O, I didn't noticed until now...and he announced on 4th March...man..so late xDD, Zack Morrison will release new pages on Mondays too, in another words Mondays and Fridays, COOL.
I'm four pages late, anyways, so far, I so envy Isaac and Max friendship, I always wanted to have conversation solely of sarcasm and play with words with a friend.

Plume: oh Tegan couln't get more interesting,huh? it's always funny to read and see Corrick and Vesper arguing....xDDD

sorry for taking this long, since it's so many pages, so will make a new html/java script gadget with banner of webcomics I read, this way I won't be giving spoilers, except by text about my thougghts of the new pages and announcements of the authors :p.

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