Monday, 18 March 2013

Pottermore New Platform!!! Playstation Home!!

This is awesome news!! maybe not so much for non-PS3 users
I don't know if any of you know what Playstation Home's where you create your own character basing on you, you go to sort of "worlds", inside them there is mini-games, and is for free, what you buy there is some games and items (clothing, furniture, etc) and is all in 3D gaming community platform.
so it will have Pottermore as one of the "worlds"...take a look to the trailer:

It's amazing, isn't it?
I wasn't expecting this for sure!! I thought would be something like book of spells, but this is much better!!
I think it's pretty neat, I feel a bit sorry for non-PS3 users though, a bit because, though I do understand it's because of the whole "buy PS3 just for playstation home and book of spells" and others because have other priorities (this one is much more understandable).
However, for the "not interested in games" and has other top priorities wanted something like this to play, you got it, but is for an console, but like previous interview with Charlie Redmayne, there will be new platforms not only playstation but also besides it and also you can use PS3, PS3 isn't just for hardcore gamers, for everyone, there is fitness and games with playstation move to relax a bit and other utilities in PS3 (can read Blu-Ray, Media Server between your PC and PS3, there is TV and videos features in PS3)

if goes this far in Playstation, they said there would be in other platforms besides Playstation, so please don't give unnecessary complaints, there is still more to come from Pottermore.
Pottermore was open for everyone on 13rd April 2012, so it is almost making a year since was open to the public, opened 2 books, 3rd book is on the way to be completed, Wonderbook: Book of Spells (the very first product solid from Pottermore), I don't understand your complain. you seem you want everything now all at once.
let them do step by step, I do prefer this way, you savour the moments when it comes and busy with other stuff, so they can make a good job.

according to Pottermore Insider it will come out to Playstation Home in April, I do have a suspicion it maybe on 13 April, close to the date when Pottermore was open to the public, to sort of celebrate 1 year Pottermore was launched to the public.
what I liked most about this, I do own a PS3, but I don't have the money to buy Book of Spells (financial probs), so it's extremely cool to be able to explore Pottermore in 3D gaming platform in Playstation for free...WOOOHOOO!!! I'm so happy!!
Also one more thing:
Charlie Redmayne, CEO of Pottermore, comments: “Pottermore reaches across multiple digital platforms, and our ongoing partnership with Sony has allowed us to forge this exciting connection with Playstation Home, creating the most immersive experience possible within that space and giving users wonderful new ways to explore locations from the Harry Potter stories. Following the successful launch of Wonderbook: Book of Spells, this is another example of the creative collaborations Pottermore is developing to bring the world of Harry Potter even more ingeniously to life”. 
We have a separate team working on these new Pottermore innovations so, for those who don’t have a PlayStation account, there is no need to worry as we still have a dedicated team hard at work to bring you the third and final instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on in the coming weeks. 
source: Pottermore Insider
we can see that probably too besides Pottermore on Playstation Home in April but also the last instalment of Prisoner of Azkaban (since in 6 days 2nd instalment will be released), a bomb will be released xDD, very exciting!!

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